Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rough Day...

For my day off, today sucked.  Sorry, but it did.  It started with dropping off kiddos then heading to Sam's to have my tires rotated and balanced.  They preceded to tell me that because the tires were so worn they were not allowed to touch them.  Oh yeh, and I have an alignment problem.  So, I call Christian Brothers (mechanic) and they say to bring it in around 12p and they'll have it done by 3pm.  So I continued on with my errands, 2 doctors appointments, grocery shopping and a trip back to Sam's for formula and my glasses that FINALLY came in.

At 5pm I go back to Christian Brothers to pick up my van only to find out that they haven't even had the chance to look at it :(  Not good.  Ugh.  So this means that on one of my days off next week we'll be back at Christian Brothers.

Anyways, I guess the bottom line is that today has been extremely frustrating for me.  The only upside is that I found a new comforter set at Sam's.  It's been my "mission" if you will to convert our bedroom from kid/junk/bedroom to a peaceful, serene bedroom.  So, this afternoon, I cleaned it out completely taking out EVERYTHING that wasn't necessary and leaving just the essentials.  I washed the sheets and put the new comforter on and I think it looks pretty darn good!

Mana (Chris' mom) has been here since last Friday night and as usual, she's a TON of help.  Nana (my mom) came over today as well to get some snuggle time with Carter.  He's been sick with a cold and out of daycare since last Friday.  She's heading home tomorrow for a couple of days but will be back Friday to help this weekend again.  Oh, and the best part!  She's taking A back home with her for a few days :)  Woo-hoo!  We'll be down to just 2 kids!

Chris has been studying for his last CPCU test and this weekend will be his last opportunity to study.  Monday is D-day.  This is the final test and the one that determines if we get to go to Vegas!  No pressure or anything :)  He was also recently chosen to be a Team Manager in a different department of State Farm for a year.  It's a developmental role and after the year is up he'll return to his previous position assuming he's not been promoted...  Anyways, I got to see his office today and it's pretty much a square box :)  But, it does have a door!  A big move up from where he has been (in a cube).  He's got some finishing touches to do to spruce it up but you can definitely tell I'm the organized one!  LOL!

His old office (and a VERY young Alex...I think he was almost 2)

His new digs!

Well, it's time to make bottles.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a MUCH better day :)



  1. The bedroom looks FABULOUS! I've been wanting to do something with our bedroom, but knowing my luck, we'll move as soon as I get it sorted out.

  2. Thanks girl! The bedding set really makes the room. I want to paint the walls a pale blue but I've never painted a room and don't know if I want to try!
