Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's been a while...

Well, it's been a while (at least for me!) since I blogged. I love doing this. It's such a wonderful outlet for me as well as an awesome way to quickly relay what's going on in our lives to our friends and families!

***Warning:  this blog WILL be choppy and all over the place.  I am certain I will ramble.  There's your warning...

The babies are doing great. Caroline was in the 90th percentile at 7 months (18.5lbs) and little Carter was in the 50th percentile (16.12lbs). Caroline is still very much the BIG sister! Ha! We are working with Carter to help him roll more (he's only rolling front to back now) and hopefully the babies will start babbling soon! It's time! We get squeals and
laughter but no vowel sounds yet (they want to hear baba, dada, bebe, etc).

My hours at work have been increased and my boss' goal is to get me back to 35 hours. I'd be thrilled with that. 1 day off/week so I still have time to get things done during the week but still getting a good amount of hours at work.

Things seem like they're moving at warp speed lately...

Over the past several months I've noticed that my vision has been a little blurry.  I really didn't think anything about it because I had LASIK done about 12 years ago.  Well, yesterday I mentioned it to Chris and he suggested I get an eye exam.  Well, as it turns out I need glasses.  Crazy, right?  I am in total disbelief.  I NEVER expected to have to wear glasses (ALL THE TIME, not just for reading) after LASIK.  Oh well.  So now I've ordered my glasses and they'll be here next week sometime.  I wonder what the babies will think?  Will they still recognize me?

The babies are sleeping through the night now.  Whew!  I can hardly believe it!  It's weird being able to sleep all night without interruption.

I called Comcast last week and threatened to switch from them to Dish Network and they lowered our rate by $40/month as well as gave us a free DVR.  Like everyone said, I'm LOVING it!  It's SO nice to be able to record my favorite shows then actually watch them when I have time!  I'm finally able to catch up on all I've missed!  It's like a dream come true :)

Well, it's time again to wash bottles and make formula.  I'll be so glad when these babies are drinking whole milk!  Geez!  I'll leave ya with a few pics from the past couple of weeks!
FINALLY enough hair to put a bow in :)

Playing hat tricks with Pop!

Alex shooting skeet with Pop (except his gun is plastic!)

DOWN for the count :)

Caroline's hand over Carter's.  Both were sound asleep!

Apparently she was trying to figure out why Ava has hair and she doesn't?!?!

Finally rolling to her belly to sleep at night!  

A full tummy and ready for bedtime!

A full tummy and ready for bedtime!

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