Friday, March 25, 2011


I believe in angels.

I believe they are all around us all the time.  They are our protectors.  They comfort us no matter what we're going through.  That take care of us and hold us close so we can feel God's love when we most need it.

I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason although we may not understand the reason at the time.  I believe I was meant to have twins even though there are days when I reminisce back to our days of dinkdom (dual income no kids).  I try to always see the bright side of things.  I try to believe that deep down inside everyone has a good heart.  Although sometimes you have to dig deep.  I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

All of this being said, it's been an incredibly draining day.  Why I'm not already in bed is a mystery to me.  I was at the hospital today from 8:30am - 5:30pm.  I feel mentally exhausted.  Dad's blood pressure is slowing stabilizing but unfortunately this time (this is his 8th stroke) he did not escape without battle scars.  He has lost his vision in his left eye completely.  He says it's been getting worse over the past week or so but who knows what the truth it.  He is a very modest and proud man.  He likes being me and Bobby's (my baby brother) Superman.  He's rough and tough and does NOT like to be knocked down.  It is very frustrating for him to be in the hospital.  He wants to be home and be back in his normal routine.

Anyways, by the time Bobby and Jen (my sister-in-law) left tonite, Dad's blood pressure was like 170/83 which is a HUGE adjustment.  He will no longer be allowed to drive.  We'll see how that works out.

And just when I'm starting my pity party and feeling like I'm having the worst day ever, I hear that one of our closest friends lost his mom to cancer last night.  This was a battle she had been fighting for years.  Not that it makes it any easier at all.  I just can't imagine his pain.  She is in a better place with no more troubles or pain but it is still devastating to those left behind.  I pray that those angels I spoke of earlier will surround him and his kiddos at the awful time and hold them tight and give them faith and comfort.

I've got to get to bed now.  Visiting hours start early tomorrow and I want to be there when the Neurologist shows up as well as when he has his CT scan.  Maybe tomorrow we'll get good news :D


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