Thursday, January 13, 2011

Never ending drama....

Well, no sooner than everyone gets well, and Alex gets the flu.  :(  He's so pitiful.  He sounds SO raspy and just lays around (totally not like him). He slept most of the day with Mom today and I'm taking off tomorrow to stay with him then Chris will have all 3 when I work Saturday (pray for him!).  Anyways, the doc prescribed Tamiflu so we started that tonite.  The hope is that it will shorten the virus by 2-3 days.  We'll see.  He may not tolerate it but we won't know that for a couple of hours (he just got his first dose)...

Chris just went in to check on him and he was sound asleep.  It's been about 2 1/2 hours since he took the Tamiflu so I'm hoping that's a good sign that he'll be able to tolerate it...

We'll see what tonite brings...

On a side note, the babies have started jar foods!  I talked to the doctor yesterday and he said that they are old enough now to be getting rice cereal (by the spoon, not in the bottle anymore) as well as #1 jar foods.  So, this week they've started the cereal before their bedtime bottle and pears at lunch...  So far so good :)  Caroline is a MUCH better eater than Carter.  She opens wide and even grabbed the spoon from Daddy!  It was too cute!  Carter on the other hand isn't really interested in eating from the spoon.  Although I'm sure that'll change with time...  Caroline said "Mama" tonite!!!  Well, I think it was an accident but Chris heard her and it was so cute :)  I couldn't get her to say it again so I'm sure it was a fluke but nonetheless it was AWESOME!   The twins are finally figuring out the johnny jumpups and are too cute in them :)

I've decided to get a new laptop for my birthday next month so I'm taking donations :)  LOL!  Feel free to mail checks payable to Elizabeth Scogins :)  My BIL helped me find a pretty nice laptop at a great price so I'll be ordering it very soon!  The hard part is going to be not opening it until my birthday 2/16!  I'm not a very patient person!  Ha!

I'll leave you with a few pics from the past few days!


1 comment:

  1. What a blessing to have the "double-wide" doorway, just perfect for two bouncing babies! I love that they can hang out and bounce right next to each other instead of bouncing at opposite ends of the room. :)
    Hope Alex is on the mend soon!!!
