I finally found my keys last night (in a jacket pocket I was SURE I had checked)! We had a good time at the party last night but the babies were a handful. The first hour or so they were angels but it just kind of went downhill from there... Caroline refused to take her 8pm bottle and was not happy from about 7pm on. I had forgotten to give her her Prevacid before we left so that may (?) have been it but I'm not sure. We got home around 9p and I gave her the Prevacid and tried to feed her again but she was too tired and wouldn't wake up to eat...
So, last night was a long one. It started about midnight with Caroline whining... Chris went up and replaced her paci but then just 45 minutes later she was up again. He went up again and replaced the paci then she was up around 2am. He went ahead and fed them (thinking she was hungry b/c she didn't eat at 8pm) hoping they'd sleep after that but it was no such luck. Finally around 230am I ended up in the nursery sleeping for the rest of the night (morning...). It was a LONG night! We're really hoping tonite is better.
We've switched back to the Avent bottles (they are SO much easier to clean!) and the babies seem to be doing ok on them. I was worried they wouldn't want to take the different nipple but they've done fine. I figured they are almost 6 months now (SO hard to believe!) so maybe they're little digestive systems are a little more matured...
The babies have been good today though smiling and playing... Caroline has discovered she can get her toes in her mouth (she somehow managed to scratch her head while she was at church this morning even though I JUST cut her nails!) and Carter has realized that he can get REALLY LOUD with his voice!
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