What a starter, right? Well, that's our lives at the moment :)
The tree is up (finally!), the banisters are lit and the candles are in the windows :) I LOVE Christmas time! Now time to go shopping! I finally finished shopping for the twins but still have shopping to do for Alex, Chris and Uncle J.J. (by the way, what do you want J.J.?)...
And then there's the snip-snip... We (obviously) decided after we found out we were having twins that we were D-O-N-E with babies! So it was time. The "procedure" was this morning and went well. Chris is on the couch with instructions to lie flat on his back for 48 hours. Also, no lifting anything over 10lbs until Tuesday and yes, that includes the twins... Should be a fun weekend! Thank goodness for Grandma's and good friends!
On another good note, Chris passed his CPCU test on Wednesday! For those of you not in the insurance world, this is AWESOME news! This was test #7 out of #8 and when he finishes the last one (next March/April) we get a free trip to Vegas and he will officially be certified! This means he'll then be known as Chris Scogins, CPCU (Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter). This (in the accounting world would be equivalent to a CPA) is a pretty big deal for us. Chris has been working VERY hard on this and it will hopefully open a few more doors for him at work... Wahoo! The trip is October 2011 and will be shortly after our 10 year anniversary! So our plan is to renew our vows with Elvis! LOL!
I'll be taking the twins to the doc this afternoon to recheck their ears. Hopefully we'll get a good report and we'll be done with ear infections for a while! Wish us luck!
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