Thursday, December 16, 2010

I never thought I'd say this but...

Caroline and I were back at the pediatrician's office this afternoon after she ran a temp of 101.5.  As it turns out she's got another ear infection (surprise, surprise).  I never thought I'd say this but I'm glad she has another one.  Only because this means that Dr. E finally agrees that she needs tubes.  I know that sounds crazy but after getting tubes myself (just a few years ago) and Alex getting tubes (the same time I did) I am much more reassured that this is the right decision.  I'm so ready to be done with ear infections!  We'll now be referred to Dr. G (our ENT doc) for a consult then to schedule the surgery.  I wish we could get it done before the end of the year (since we've met all of our out-of-pocket maximums) but I doubt that will happen.  The surgery will be done at the new MTMC and I'm very confident that things will go well.

Oddly enough as soon as I got home from the doctor with Caroline I noticed that Carter was running a fever as well :(  This means that we'll be back at the pediatrician's office tomorrow morning to have him checked out...  Who knows, maybe we could get a 2 for 1 deal on the surgeries!  Ha!

On a good note, when I got to Dr. E's office tonite they informed me that "Molly" had been by.  Molly is the formula rep for them and my new best friend!  LOL!  Dr. E has been more than generous in supplying us with LOTS of sample cans of formula.  A few weeks ago they supplied us with 48 cans and just today Molly dropped off 24 more cans of formula for us!  Wahoo!  That's an additional 24 days of formula!  That will save us about $350!  I can't tell you have blessed we feel to have such a caring and generous pediatrician :)  It definitely makes paying those $15 copays well worth it!

Just goes to show you that you never know what the day will bring!  This morning I never would've guessed my day would end this way...



  1. WOW!! You sure have your hands full. I think Josh needs tubes, cause he gets 3-4 ear infections every few months, hopefully he will get the nerve and call one. lol. Merry Christmas.

  2. wow!!! thats great about the formula rep! how nice!!!! Sorry about all the ears :( hopefully the tubes will help though!
