Sunday, December 26, 2010

Roley Poley...

Ok, so maybe that's not how you spell it but we finally have a little roller on our hands!  Caroline has finally mastered rolling back to front and front to back :)  Yay!  It seems like the past few days have been really productive for our little ones!  Caroline has started laughing, Carter found out that he can blow raspberries and Caroline is rolling!  What's next???



  1. Finally rolling??!! My boys are over 7 months and can't roll from belly to back lol! How much tummy time do you give them?

  2. Well, Caroline has figured out how to roll from back to front (the easiest way) but as you could see she gets stuck on her tummy like a little turtle and just gets mad! LOL! Carter on the other hand has no interest at all in rolling. But he babbles like crazy and she just smiles... They are each developing so differently! I guess I just assumed since they're twins they would do things at the same time but apparently not...
