I feel lately like we've been in a holding pattern. The budget isn't good but isn't awful either. We're keeping our heads above water. Barely. We've had so much medical debt lately it's been crazy! We have good insurance but we've also had ALOT going on with several family surgeries this year and lots of doctor's visits and LOTS of medications. Sometimes I wish we could just fast forward 3 months and see that we'll be ok. I know we will. God always provides for our "needs". Maybe not all of our "wants" but all of our needs. We've been blessed that we've never done without. We have a beautiful home, 2 paid for cars and good jobs. 3 things we should be incredibly grateful for.
But I still have that pit of dread in my tummy. I am the family worrier though (I get it from Mom!). I think Chris and I are a great team. It seems that when I get worried about something Chris is more at ease and able to reassure me and vice versa. However, as he sleeps (snoring!) on the couch beside me, we were both concerned tonite and looking for ways to cut back. There's just not alot of "fat" in our budget. I called and cancelled HBO and told them that we wanted to switch to basic cable and was told that the package we currently have is actually cheaper (we are on a promo rate plan for the next 6 months). I dropped HBO but that only saves $10/month. Not enough to even make a dent. The babies are off formula and that's helping a TON but we're still going thru about 125 diapers a week!
Tonite's post is just me getting some things off my chest. I have no doubt that we'll get thru this fine. Everyone has their days though. I guess today's mine.
Next week Caroline will be moved up at daycare. She'll be moving to the other building to the room all the way at the end. I know she'll be fine but it's also hard because Carter will not be moving with her. She's been walking for a few weeks now and he's not started yet so they'll be keeping him in the baby room until he does. Needless to say we've been working with him ALOT to get him walking! I never thought I would have such a distinct opinion on this but I do. I don't want them separated. I want them to always have each other to lean on. However I have been told as well that it's good to separate twins so that they learn things on their own instead of relying on their sibling to do it for them. I agree but it doesn't make it any easier.
Well, it's after 10:30p now and I'll be up early to take kiddos to school. Hopefully a good nights rest will put a new perspective on things :)
Hey there! It's "twin dude mama" ... Blogger is being a bitch and not letting me post comments lately. My husband just quit his job and we're looking for ways to save too. It ain't easy :( Well, I'M looking for ways to save...he seems pretty confident that we'll be okay.
ReplyDeleteThey were going to move J up and put G in the toddler/walkers room for circle time and some activities. Once they saw that G was happy there, they suggested we move both up. So, G is the only non-walker but he does really well! Hopefully you can work something out with the day care. It's such a tough decision!
Thanks girl! As of now they haven't moved her up yet. So for the moment they're still together. I'm so glad your boys are doing so well! How old are they now?