Friday, February 18, 2011

Zombie Apocalypse

My blog title tonite is an inside joke for my Hubby.  I'll finally know if he reads my blog :)

Today was a good day.  And I'm tired.  It started early dropping kiddos off at school/Nana's and then I took my laptop and headed over to Panera Bread Co. for some yummy food and one-on-one time with my computer :)  then it was off to the post office then to visit my good friend Katie then back home for a little sewing then washing/filling it's almost 10pm and we've not even started packing yet.  We'll be leaving tomorrow for our first visit (with the twinkies) to Huntsville.  This means we'll be getting up early tomorrow and packing everyone.  Whew.  It will be a job.  I'm trying to make a list of everything we need and hoping I don't forget anything (I know Mom, if I forget it then I can just buy it there...)...

I made some time today (being my last official day of vacation) to work on some embroidery.  I'm working on embroidering the babies' names or initials on their bibs.  Everything that goes to daycare needs to be labeled with their names and it's really hard to label a bib.  I've lost most of my boy bibs already and I have a feeling that they're in a drawer somewhere at daycare :)  It's kinda like the pink pacifiers around here.  They just seem to disappear into thin air!  We have a TON of blue and green ones but like 2 pink ones (and trust me, I bought WAY more than 2)!

Notice only 1 bib is Carter's!

I got our new Ergo baby carriers in the mail today (Thanks Mana!) and I LOVE them :)  You'll have to excuse the "locale" but I wanted to get a couple of photos of Miss Caroline in it.  She was so content!  Notice the chubby cheeks hanging over the side of the carrier!

Coco came for a visit last Thursday and stayed with us until Sunday :)  We had SO much fun and it was SO NICE to get together and have a couple of drinks and catch up!  Plus she got to meet Carter and Caroline for the first time!  It was so cute to see :)  They went RIGHT to her and didn't hesitate at all like we've been seeing them do with strangers lately...

On Sunday, February 13th, we celebrated my birthday with a yummy cake from Julia's and some pretty cool gifts too.  I especially liked the Yoda pin and Ben 10 action figures that A picked out just "for me" :)

And finally just some random shots that we thought were cute...

Well, seeing as how it's now almost 11pm and I'm still up blogging I'd probably go get some rest before tomorrow :)


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