Welcome back! It's been a while! I've decided to begin blogging again in an attempt to somehow bring calm to my chaotic life! Ha! I know, right? :)
Stay tuned for future update and thanks so much for following me!
The House of Chaos!
"He works in ways we cannot see..."
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wow. It's been 2 months?!?!
Hard to believe tonite when I pulled up my blog to see that it's been a whole 2 months since I wrote! So much to catch up on!
There seems to be a nasty spell on our house this week with sickness. Miss Caroline started it all Saturday evening being grumpy then waking up Sunday morning with a 102.3 fever. I called "oncall" and was told to bring her in. As it turns out her tubes have come out (it's been 11 months) and now she's got an ear infection in her left ear :( So sad. I feel so bad for her. She was absolutely pitiful! So, they put her on antibiotics and she was back at daycare today. She's MUCH better now! Carter though is running a fever now and not feeling well so I'll be taking him to walk-in tomorrow morning around 7am to see what he has. All of this and Alex has been sick as well. He keeps crying and saying his tummy hurts. It's so hard at this age to know if he's really sick or just wanting to get out of school... Chris stayed home with him today and my Mom will be watching him tomorrow and Mana will have Carterman.
Work is going well. We had our audit today and received an 8. Pretty good. A 10 is perfect and rarely do you see that. I'm so relieved to have it over until at least next year! Speaking of, can you believe it's almost a month before Christmas??? Crazy, right?
Things are going well for Chris and I. We took a wonderful vacation to Vegas about a month ago courtesy of State Farm. My awesome hubby received his CPCU designation and is now official! We had SO much fun! We were able to go with some of our best friends and kid free so it was awesome! It was hard to leave! We stayed at Caesars and spent one of our days exploring the Grand Canyon. It was incredibly beautiful and hard to wrap your brain around. I don't know if you can possibly take it all in. It's almost too much for your mind to conceive. Absolutely stunning. We definitely came back to reality really fast once we came home though! Ha! It was fun while it lasted though and reminded us of how much we still enjoy each other's company and our quiet times together!
Carter has finally started walking! Yay! I've got them walking into daycare everyday now to give them lots of practice! Plus it helps Mommy's back! Whew! They are still in the "baby" room for now but have been slowly transitioning to the next room. They've been taking naps in there to help them get adjusted. Hard to believe they're now 16 months old. Seems like just yesterday... We've made so much progress though, I can't imagine starting over!
Speaking of fresh starts, my brother and sister-in-law are preggers and expecting my first niece in January! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am! She will be Joanna (hope I'm spelling it right!) Dawn Keller. I can't wait to meet her and spoil her to death! It will be so nice to hold a new baby again :) Now mom will have 2 grandsons and 2 granddaughters! Perfect! I'm beyond excited! I know I drive Jen crazy but I just grin from ear to ear everytime I see that cute little belly! I can't wait to see her!
I've found myself lately loosening up a bit. Not quite as high strung as I once was. I don't know if it was Vegas, or age or what but I'm learning to appreciate every moment and do the things I truly WANT to do and now. There's no reason to wait. We're not guaranteed tomorrow and I want to go out smoking! (just an expression, Mom!) I don't want to ever have regrets. I've been blessed in the fact that I've been given second chances many times and I hope that I've taken the chance to appreciate that. You think you're bulletproof in your high school years but really those are the years that are molding you into who you will be later in life. Enjoy yourself and don't take anything for granted. Sorry, getting off topic.
Things are good. Yes, kids are sick, I dropped my iphone 4 a few days ago and it basically exploded into tiny shards of glass so I had to go purchase a new phone (both good and bad I guess), work is stressful as it is with anyone, family life is hectic and I feel that I don't spend near enough time with the ones I love. If only there were more hours in the day. It's 12:12am Wednesday morning and I should be in bed sleeping but lately I've found that this is the time I enjoy the most. The time I have to myself. I can watch whatever I want on tv, read, blog, chat, whatever I want without being "touched" or "pulled on". It's these times of night I think when I'm my happiest :) When nothing HAS to get done. There's no rush to get kids ready and out the door, no appts to get to, no nothing. Just ME time. Time to do whatever I want.
Well, that's plenty for one night...
There seems to be a nasty spell on our house this week with sickness. Miss Caroline started it all Saturday evening being grumpy then waking up Sunday morning with a 102.3 fever. I called "oncall" and was told to bring her in. As it turns out her tubes have come out (it's been 11 months) and now she's got an ear infection in her left ear :( So sad. I feel so bad for her. She was absolutely pitiful! So, they put her on antibiotics and she was back at daycare today. She's MUCH better now! Carter though is running a fever now and not feeling well so I'll be taking him to walk-in tomorrow morning around 7am to see what he has. All of this and Alex has been sick as well. He keeps crying and saying his tummy hurts. It's so hard at this age to know if he's really sick or just wanting to get out of school... Chris stayed home with him today and my Mom will be watching him tomorrow and Mana will have Carterman.
Work is going well. We had our audit today and received an 8. Pretty good. A 10 is perfect and rarely do you see that. I'm so relieved to have it over until at least next year! Speaking of, can you believe it's almost a month before Christmas??? Crazy, right?
Things are going well for Chris and I. We took a wonderful vacation to Vegas about a month ago courtesy of State Farm. My awesome hubby received his CPCU designation and is now official! We had SO much fun! We were able to go with some of our best friends and kid free so it was awesome! It was hard to leave! We stayed at Caesars and spent one of our days exploring the Grand Canyon. It was incredibly beautiful and hard to wrap your brain around. I don't know if you can possibly take it all in. It's almost too much for your mind to conceive. Absolutely stunning. We definitely came back to reality really fast once we came home though! Ha! It was fun while it lasted though and reminded us of how much we still enjoy each other's company and our quiet times together!
Carter has finally started walking! Yay! I've got them walking into daycare everyday now to give them lots of practice! Plus it helps Mommy's back! Whew! They are still in the "baby" room for now but have been slowly transitioning to the next room. They've been taking naps in there to help them get adjusted. Hard to believe they're now 16 months old. Seems like just yesterday... We've made so much progress though, I can't imagine starting over!
Speaking of fresh starts, my brother and sister-in-law are preggers and expecting my first niece in January! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am! She will be Joanna (hope I'm spelling it right!) Dawn Keller. I can't wait to meet her and spoil her to death! It will be so nice to hold a new baby again :) Now mom will have 2 grandsons and 2 granddaughters! Perfect! I'm beyond excited! I know I drive Jen crazy but I just grin from ear to ear everytime I see that cute little belly! I can't wait to see her!
I've found myself lately loosening up a bit. Not quite as high strung as I once was. I don't know if it was Vegas, or age or what but I'm learning to appreciate every moment and do the things I truly WANT to do and now. There's no reason to wait. We're not guaranteed tomorrow and I want to go out smoking! (just an expression, Mom!) I don't want to ever have regrets. I've been blessed in the fact that I've been given second chances many times and I hope that I've taken the chance to appreciate that. You think you're bulletproof in your high school years but really those are the years that are molding you into who you will be later in life. Enjoy yourself and don't take anything for granted. Sorry, getting off topic.
Things are good. Yes, kids are sick, I dropped my iphone 4 a few days ago and it basically exploded into tiny shards of glass so I had to go purchase a new phone (both good and bad I guess), work is stressful as it is with anyone, family life is hectic and I feel that I don't spend near enough time with the ones I love. If only there were more hours in the day. It's 12:12am Wednesday morning and I should be in bed sleeping but lately I've found that this is the time I enjoy the most. The time I have to myself. I can watch whatever I want on tv, read, blog, chat, whatever I want without being "touched" or "pulled on". It's these times of night I think when I'm my happiest :) When nothing HAS to get done. There's no rush to get kids ready and out the door, no appts to get to, no nothing. Just ME time. Time to do whatever I want.
Well, that's plenty for one night...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Holding pattern...
I feel lately like we've been in a holding pattern. The budget isn't good but isn't awful either. We're keeping our heads above water. Barely. We've had so much medical debt lately it's been crazy! We have good insurance but we've also had ALOT going on with several family surgeries this year and lots of doctor's visits and LOTS of medications. Sometimes I wish we could just fast forward 3 months and see that we'll be ok. I know we will. God always provides for our "needs". Maybe not all of our "wants" but all of our needs. We've been blessed that we've never done without. We have a beautiful home, 2 paid for cars and good jobs. 3 things we should be incredibly grateful for.
But I still have that pit of dread in my tummy. I am the family worrier though (I get it from Mom!). I think Chris and I are a great team. It seems that when I get worried about something Chris is more at ease and able to reassure me and vice versa. However, as he sleeps (snoring!) on the couch beside me, we were both concerned tonite and looking for ways to cut back. There's just not alot of "fat" in our budget. I called and cancelled HBO and told them that we wanted to switch to basic cable and was told that the package we currently have is actually cheaper (we are on a promo rate plan for the next 6 months). I dropped HBO but that only saves $10/month. Not enough to even make a dent. The babies are off formula and that's helping a TON but we're still going thru about 125 diapers a week!
Tonite's post is just me getting some things off my chest. I have no doubt that we'll get thru this fine. Everyone has their days though. I guess today's mine.
Next week Caroline will be moved up at daycare. She'll be moving to the other building to the room all the way at the end. I know she'll be fine but it's also hard because Carter will not be moving with her. She's been walking for a few weeks now and he's not started yet so they'll be keeping him in the baby room until he does. Needless to say we've been working with him ALOT to get him walking! I never thought I would have such a distinct opinion on this but I do. I don't want them separated. I want them to always have each other to lean on. However I have been told as well that it's good to separate twins so that they learn things on their own instead of relying on their sibling to do it for them. I agree but it doesn't make it any easier.
Well, it's after 10:30p now and I'll be up early to take kiddos to school. Hopefully a good nights rest will put a new perspective on things :)
But I still have that pit of dread in my tummy. I am the family worrier though (I get it from Mom!). I think Chris and I are a great team. It seems that when I get worried about something Chris is more at ease and able to reassure me and vice versa. However, as he sleeps (snoring!) on the couch beside me, we were both concerned tonite and looking for ways to cut back. There's just not alot of "fat" in our budget. I called and cancelled HBO and told them that we wanted to switch to basic cable and was told that the package we currently have is actually cheaper (we are on a promo rate plan for the next 6 months). I dropped HBO but that only saves $10/month. Not enough to even make a dent. The babies are off formula and that's helping a TON but we're still going thru about 125 diapers a week!
Tonite's post is just me getting some things off my chest. I have no doubt that we'll get thru this fine. Everyone has their days though. I guess today's mine.
Next week Caroline will be moved up at daycare. She'll be moving to the other building to the room all the way at the end. I know she'll be fine but it's also hard because Carter will not be moving with her. She's been walking for a few weeks now and he's not started yet so they'll be keeping him in the baby room until he does. Needless to say we've been working with him ALOT to get him walking! I never thought I would have such a distinct opinion on this but I do. I don't want them separated. I want them to always have each other to lean on. However I have been told as well that it's good to separate twins so that they learn things on their own instead of relying on their sibling to do it for them. I agree but it doesn't make it any easier.
Well, it's after 10:30p now and I'll be up early to take kiddos to school. Hopefully a good nights rest will put a new perspective on things :)
Monday, September 5, 2011
Just another day
What an icky day today turned out to be! It rained all day long :( The kids were little monsters and Caroline has been clinging to me like a little spider monkey. It was nice to nap with my favorite snuggle buddy Alex today though :) I love him so much! It makes me sad to think that soon he will be too old for naps and won't want to nap with me. But hopefully by then I'll have 2 little ones anxious to snuggle!
I'm sitting here on the couch thinking about how I need to wash my hair and just go to bed but my butt just won't get off the couch! I feel like I could just roll over and sleep right here on the couch. This damn rainy weather! It absolutely kills my motivation!
Tomorrow's bound to be a busy day after today's holiday so I'd better figure out a way to get off the couch...
I'm sitting here on the couch thinking about how I need to wash my hair and just go to bed but my butt just won't get off the couch! I feel like I could just roll over and sleep right here on the couch. This damn rainy weather! It absolutely kills my motivation!
Tomorrow's bound to be a busy day after today's holiday so I'd better figure out a way to get off the couch...
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I am now an official consultant for Thirty-one! Please visit my website www.mythirtyone.com/scogins to see all that we have to offer or send me an email 31@scogins.com!
Welcome back!
Wow! It's been a while!
So much has happened since August 2nd!
I think I'm finally feeling like my old self again. Work will be work and babies will scream, but at the day's end, I will be o.k. The ironic thing is that all of these challenges have happened since Dad's death 4/8/11. So I feel deep down inside that I need to work thru some grief issues with that. So, that being said, I sat down a few days ago and wrote a letter to him. One that will never be mailed but will stay with me forever... I spilled my heart and the tears flowed like crazy. I didn't have any big epiphanies (I think I spelled that right) like I was hoping but I did get alot out that's been grating on me like crazy lately. I can't say I felt "better" after that but at least I got it out. I know the grieving process takes about a year because you have a year of first's but it seems to be moving slower with me. We've had alot of big things happen since Dad passed. First, our 1st Father's Day without him, then my Mom & Dad's 47th wedding anniversary, then Dad's 70th birthday and then the twins 1st birthday. To say it's been stressful would be an understatement. It's been stressful immensely for my sweet hubby who has been putting up with my crazy self for the past (almost) 5 months. I pray that God will help me to move on with my life and grieve less and less as the days pass. I have a family to take care of and a full time job to do... Now on to the fun stuff!
Alex started kindergarten this month! He's such a big boy now! It's hard to believe that I'm the parent of a student! Man, makes me feel old :) He has loved every minute of school and is in a wonderful after school program that allows us to pick him up by 6pm. He's doing great and flourishing just like he should :) He's even lost 2 teeth (and now one of his permanent teeth is coming in on the bottom) and is also cutting his 6 year molars! He's growing up so fast!
The twins are sweet as ever! Little Caroline is working on her 6th tooth as we speak and walking around like crazy! It's hard to believe where we were just a year ago! Little Carter is working on his 1st tooth and for the moment has no interest in walking but is thoroughly enjoying crawling REALLY fast!
So much has happened since August 2nd!
I think I'm finally feeling like my old self again. Work will be work and babies will scream, but at the day's end, I will be o.k. The ironic thing is that all of these challenges have happened since Dad's death 4/8/11. So I feel deep down inside that I need to work thru some grief issues with that. So, that being said, I sat down a few days ago and wrote a letter to him. One that will never be mailed but will stay with me forever... I spilled my heart and the tears flowed like crazy. I didn't have any big epiphanies (I think I spelled that right) like I was hoping but I did get alot out that's been grating on me like crazy lately. I can't say I felt "better" after that but at least I got it out. I know the grieving process takes about a year because you have a year of first's but it seems to be moving slower with me. We've had alot of big things happen since Dad passed. First, our 1st Father's Day without him, then my Mom & Dad's 47th wedding anniversary, then Dad's 70th birthday and then the twins 1st birthday. To say it's been stressful would be an understatement. It's been stressful immensely for my sweet hubby who has been putting up with my crazy self for the past (almost) 5 months. I pray that God will help me to move on with my life and grieve less and less as the days pass. I have a family to take care of and a full time job to do... Now on to the fun stuff!
Alex started kindergarten this month! He's such a big boy now! It's hard to believe that I'm the parent of a student! Man, makes me feel old :) He has loved every minute of school and is in a wonderful after school program that allows us to pick him up by 6pm. He's doing great and flourishing just like he should :) He's even lost 2 teeth (and now one of his permanent teeth is coming in on the bottom) and is also cutting his 6 year molars! He's growing up so fast!
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First tooth lost! He got $5! Imagine his disappointment when the tooth fairy only gave him a buck for the next ones! |
Don't ever buy a cake with black icing! Happy 5th big boy! |
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Mommy missed this because of work but Daddy, Nana and Mana were all there! |
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Of course I monogrammed it! And his sleep towel too! |
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My sweet little boy on his 1st day of school! |
Well, Carter is up from his nap and it's time for his afternoon snack :) Wish me luck tomorrow on my first day back!
I know I'll do fine, but a little luck never hurt anyone :)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I think I'm finally beginning to grasp the importance of priorities. It's not a top priority that the living room gets picked up every nite. It's not a priority that laundry is washed, dried and folded every day.
Today was a great day. My sweet husband took off today to spend the day with me. We had breakfast together (I had my first mimosa! Then ran some errands and ended up with a few doctor's appointments. It was not exactly the day I wanted to spend with my hubby but it was nice to spend the day with him regardless.
Today was Alex's 2nd day at Scales ESP (Extended School Program) and he is absolutely loving it! I'm so glad :)
I'm hoping my days will be looking up over the next week or so. My doctors have made some changes and hopefully I'll be feeling more like myself soon :)
Well, it's getting close to bedtime so I'd better go. Here are some pics from the last few days :)
Today was a great day. My sweet husband took off today to spend the day with me. We had breakfast together (I had my first mimosa! Then ran some errands and ended up with a few doctor's appointments. It was not exactly the day I wanted to spend with my hubby but it was nice to spend the day with him regardless.
Today was Alex's 2nd day at Scales ESP (Extended School Program) and he is absolutely loving it! I'm so glad :)
I'm hoping my days will be looking up over the next week or so. My doctors have made some changes and hopefully I'll be feeling more like myself soon :)
Well, it's getting close to bedtime so I'd better go. Here are some pics from the last few days :)
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